Fortnightly modules.
A Masterclass and a Workshop.

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999 Story Ideas

Create a new story concept to develop during The Story Series.

Effective idea generation

Screen concept essentials

Build event/action loglines

Finding Nemo = Taken

Objective: A logline for your project in the EVENT/ACTION format.

1 – Concept

2 – Structure

Fun With Shapes

The origins and application of popular story structure models.

Picking the right chart

Observation to convention

Structure and creativity

Barbenheimer & Bollywood

Objective: 8 – 12 highly dramatic scenes in your story.

The Sequence Journey

Discover the perfect marriage of inspiration and structural efficiency.

Archetypes and archebeats

What Vogler didn’t tell you

An Incredible(s) template

Nomadland: A heroine’s journey

Objective: A step outline for your project, in scenes and sequences.

3 – Mythical Structure

4 – Scripting

Get Into The Flow

Overcome procrastination and punch out pages—fast.

How I broke writer’s block

Don’t get it right

Show don’t tell is dead

The step outline

Objective: 25 pages completed in 25 days, and a full draft in 8 weeks.

The Disagreeables

A fresh perspective on writing irresistible, focused characters.

Before Character

The I.D.E.A.S. cycle

You tell them what to do

Character equals plot

Objective: A revised character introduction scene.

5 – Characters

6 – Mid Point Reversal

The Kiss and The Slap

How Bollywood and ice cream come to the rescue of your story’s structure.

The two-act structure

Why grandpa died halfway

Reversal of fortune & action

Understanding Ex Machina

Objective: A two-act analysis of your favourite mainstream film.

What Is It About?

Find out who you are before others read the theme of your story.

Dramatic/thematic subtext

Be a subtext detective

Sheridan’s secret sauce

Theme is not a word

Objective: A thematic question or statement for your project.

7 – Theme

8 – Dialogue

Fill In The Words

How to use dialogue effectively for drama, character, and plot.

Aaron Sorkin is a drummer

Cognitive dissonance

Three functions of dialogue

Is “show don’t tell” dead?

Objective: A dramatic verbal portrait of a/your main character.

What You Sell Is You

The writer’s future is in their voice on the page. Not on the screen.

Technical excellence

Content and form

Sharpen your voice

The devil in the detail

Objective: A scene in the voice of your favourite master/maestra.

9 – Voice

10 – Analysis

Know Your Comps

Gain a competitive edge through study of leading films and scripts.

Film and script analysis

A problem-solving model

Finding your voice—fast

A networking secret

Objective: Two comparables; one for structure and one for tone.

Pitching Theory and Prep

Insider secrets to turn a wallflower into a pitching machine.

The market consultation

Meeting structure

Pitching prep


Objective: A blueprint for your pitch meetings.

11 – Pitch Deck

12 – Pitch Delivery

Do The Opposite

Practice your pitching like an audition, not a sales presentation.

Pitching practice




Objective: Industry feedback and a video of your pitch.

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